SARTTAC's Sixth Annual Steering Committee (SC) Meeting

July 7, 2022 (Hybrid)


SARTTAC’s Sixth Annual Steering Committee (SC) Meeting took place in New Delhi in hybrid format on July 7, 2022. The meeting was joined by around 75 in-person and virtual participants. It focused on SARTTAC’s operations during FY22 (May 2021 – April 2022) and draft workplan and budget for FY23, which was laid out for the SC’s endorsement, including in a report for them circulated in advance of the meeting. The workplan for FY23, which comprises 165 activities, was prepared in consultation with member countries, IMF capacity development (CD) departments, and country teams in the Asia and Pacific Department. The SC meeting was preceded by a short meeting with member country agency training and human resources department on July 1 to brief them of the FY23 training schedule and get their feedback on delivery and plans.