Course Registration

Each course has a dedicated registration link in the IMF Training Application System (TAS). Please only register using the link provided in the course notification email and complete the following steps.

1.     Indicate your full first and family/surname. Initials are not recognized by the system.

2.     Provide your official or personal email address in the “Business Email” contact field. Please do not enter a generic email address as a business email address, i.e., an email address of your agency/department (e.g.,

3.     Mention in detail your current job description and its relevance to the course.

4.     Enter the name of your direct supervisor as your sponsor for the course or whoever is authorizing you to participate in the course. The sponsor must be from the same agency as the applicant and of higher rank. The sponsor must be the same name entered into the application system in TAS.

5.     Review all the requested information carefully before submitting your application data. Submitted information is final and cannot be changed.

Sponsor’s Endorsement

Upon completion of registration, the applicant’s sponsor will receive a separate sponsor certification email. The sponsor is asked to verify that the applicant, if selected, will receive a leave of absence, will attend the full duration of the course, including joining all scheduled sessions, and will be freed from regular duties and work obligations during this period. The sponsoring agency also agrees to bear any direct costs incurred by SARTTAC related to an applicant’s late cancellation, unnotified absence, or early withdrawal/dismissal from the course.

The sponsor’s certification should be completed and emailed back to SARTTAC by the application deadline. An applicant will not be considered for acceptance into the course if we do not receive their sponsor form on time.

Participant Selection, Notification, and Acceptance Procedures

Selected participants will be notified by SARTTAC by e-mail at the address provided in their application. Notification will typically occur 1-2 weeks after the course application deadline. The selection process will be based on choosing the best qualified candidates for the course, giving priority to government officials whose professional assignments are closely related to the subject matter of the specified course, at the same time ensuring a good balance amongst the invited countries and agencies. The number of selected participants will be limited by the available seats in SARTTAC’s training room and budgetary considerations (currently, course size is also dictated by SARTTAC’s COVID-19 Guidelines for In-Person Training) .

Invited officials will be asked to confirm their participation and submit their travel and accommodation request through a travel request form circulated at the time when SARTTAC notifies selection for a course. Failure to provide the information by the stipulated deadline may result in cancellation of a participant’s acceptance into the course.


Course Attendance

Daily attendance will be taken during the course. All participants must join the first day of the course. Any absences should be notified in advance to the SARTTAC course administrator and the participant’s sponsor, including the stated reason. Failure to do such may have a bearing on whether a participant receives a Certificate of Participation and/or indication of completion in their IMF training record (read below).

Participants called back to the office during the course will not be allowed to rejoin. Those requiring a medical leave of absence should provide documentary evidence of the need. In case of a participant’s unnotified absence or early withdrawal from of the course, the participant’s sponsor will be informed. In the event of repeated absence, the participant may be dismissed from the course by SARTTAC.

Certificate of Participation

A Certificate of Participation will be given based on the following criteria:

1.     The participant is expected to attend the full duration of the course. No absences will be considered here other than for valid medical reasons if notified in advance to the SARTTAC course administrator and summing up to less than 20 percent of course delivery hours.  

2.     The participant must complete both the mandatory pre- and post-course quiz. All participants are also asked to complete the end-of-course survey, which is anonymous and provides important feedback to SARTTAC.

Participants who qualify based on the above criteria will receive a printed Certificate of Participation from SARTTAC at the end of the course.

IMF Training Record

The IMF maintains a unique training record of every participant in IMF training—both in-person and virtual, as well as through the IMF’s Online Learning Program. At the end of each course administered by SARTTAC, an entry is made in the training record on whether a participant has successfully completed the course. In SARTTAC, this determination is based on the criteria used to determine eligibility for a Certificate of Participation. Course leads also have the option of entering comments on participants in their training records.

Code of Conduct

All participants are required to sign and adhere to the policies under the code of conduct document. Participants expelled from a course for reasons of behavioral misconduct or harassment will be disallowed from future participation in any IMF courses.

Each selected participant must confirm their acceptance in the course individually by completing a electronic Training Request Form, which will be included in the notification email. Failure to submit the form by the deadline stipulated in the email may result in cancellation of a participant’s acceptance into the course. The Travel Request Form will provide air travel and hotel options for eligible participants.
