Public Financial Management for State Finance Secretaries (India)
Start: 31 August 2020
End: 4 September 2020
Course Number: SA20.23v
Course Name: Public Financial Management for State Finance Secretaries (India)
Language: English
Location: Virtual through Cisco WebEx Platform
Application Process: By Nomination
Post Event: Picture Gallery
Target Audience
Secretaries of Finance in Indian States and Union Territories and senior officials of Finance Department.
Officials with more than 10 years' experience in Public Financial Management.
Course Description
This seminar will expose policy makers to the IMF's advice on extraordinary measures to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. The program will highlight the Fiscal Affairs Department and SARTTAC's capacity development program in selected States with a focus on fiscal policy formulation, fiscal risk management, cash and debt management. Participants will be able to interact with a senior policymaker from an advanced country-familiar with the Commonwealth model of budget formulation, who can relate to the Indian context and has experience in implementing reforms. The seminar will feature presentations on international good practice, case studies from advanced countries and allow for significant interaction between senior officials responsible for sound fiscal policy formulation in Indian States.The seminar will start off with an exclusive session for officers who are likely to work in Finance department in future.
Course Objectives
The seminar will allow senior officials from the Indian administrative service to interact with senior IMF staff, fiscal experts from advanced countries and share experiences with their peers from other Indian States.